1. Geese are pretty from a distance but disgusting up close.
Canadian Geese may look beautiful, elegant, and even inspiring as they fly across the sky or swim on the pond or walk through the fields. But let me tell ya, up close they are not so pleasant! They are rather dirty creatures who literally poop on everything around them. It doesn't matter how beautiful the pond, once those geese come in, they proceed to poop on everything.
I have known some silly geese like this. From a distance they look like wonderful people. But as you get to know them you find yourself sadly disenchanted or let down, for they are not what they appear. Another one of this type of silly goose would be someone who always has something negative to say. It doesn't matter how good they have it in life or how wonderful something is, they can always find something to complain about, something to find fault with, some bad news to share. They are the Debbie-Downers, the party-poopers. It gets pretty yucky, pretty quickly when you are around those silly geese.
2. Geese are selfish, unfriendly, and don't want to share the space.
Geese hog the walkway. They don't want you there and they make sure that you know they are displeased by your mere presence. They would really be happiest if you went away and left them alone, because you really disturb their peace. Never mind there is plenty of room for all and you are not harming them in the slightest. They just don't want you there.
This kind of silly goose can appear anywhere in public. Perhaps they are road hogs who drive like they are the only ones on the road. Perhaps they are the inconsiderate shopper who blocks the whole aisle and acts annoyed that you want to go by or get a product off of a shelf that they are blocking. But this type of silly goose is especially hard to deal with in a church setting. Rather than being welcoming, they look at visitors with a huff and a sigh. Rather than greeting newcomers, they moan about how they are running out of room on the main floor of the auditorium. Rather than talk to the new person in SS, they stay in their familiar group and stare and whisper leaving the lonely person sitting there alone. We must work hard to not be this kind of goose!
3. Geese are aggressive and pushy.
Geese are aggressive with the casual passerby. They might get out of your way, but they drag their feet and kick up a fuss about it. If you get too close, they will sometimes flap their wings and come toward you trying to intimidate you into doing what they want (which is for you to leave and leave now). They are also pushy with each other and other animals. I have seen them chase other birds and other animals, like small dogs or cats and even squirrels.
These aggressive silly geese are very insistent on getting their way, or else. They always have an idea and theirs is always best. Don't try to cross them or you will get an earful. They practice intimidation to get their own way. There is nothing Christ-like about a pushy, selfish person acting like a silly goose.
4. Geese are obnoxious and loud.
Geese like things their own way. If you try to walk by and they don't like it, they make themselves heard and rather loudly. There are few things more obnoxious to hear than a whole bunch of geese squawking about something. It's a grating, annoying sound. And they are usually all worked up about nothing of importance.
Silly geese who act like this are the people you cringe when you see coming. They are the ones who you wished lived in another dorm or apartment building. They are overly dramatic and annoyingly loud. They are often worked up into a tizzy over little things and they make sure that EVERYONE knows all about it. Please, spare the rest of us and don't be that kind of silly goose.
5. Geese use bad language.
Oh, you don't believe this one? Well, I cannot count the times that I have been walking along the path around the pond, headphones in, minding my own business when a goose decides to let me know how much he appreciates my presence by hissing at me. Let me tell you, that hiss is full of hatred and venom. It's the goose equivalent of a cursing out.
When people feel the need to use foul language they are truly being a fowl (a silly goose to be specific). There are few things more pointedly hateful than foul words. They show disrespect, hatred, disgust, pride, arrogance, etc all at once. It's practically a slap in the face done verbally.
6. Geese are scared of things that pose them no harm.
Geese are rather stupid creatures. They are fearful of you no matter how many times you have walked by them without harming or disturbing them. They are openly distrusting even when they have no justified reason or cause, even when experience says there is no need to fear. They do not learn; they continue to live in fear.
It may at times be funny to poke fun of a phobia, like a fear of spiders for example. It might be funny to laugh at, but there are many people who let irrational, senseless fear completely rule their lives. When this happens it is not even remotely funny. Living in fear speaks of a lack of faith in God and His love. It's no way to live and it's truly a very silly goose type of thing to do.
So, I hope after all of this, you understand why I say...
Don't Be a Silly Goose!!!
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